Life after COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Kareem Fattah Aziz
Public Administration Department
Cihan University - Erbil
One of the biggest lessons learned from the Corona crisis will relate to health systems in the countries of the world, with health systems in which countries play a fundamental role in the health sector in terms of application and management to fight COVID-19.
The experts of economy believe that more money should be pumped for health system, medical technology, medical and health professional staffs who fight corona in the world, medical communication, mobile health services especially for old age with chronic diseases because it is risk for them to go out to medical clinic or hospitals, health infrastructure and others.
This is how life will surely change after Coronavirus. Pandemics have always shaped lives. The habits should be avoided after and during COVID-19: Avoid Smoking, water pipe smoking, electronic smoking, cigar, hypnotic drugs, alcohol, and direct contact with people, crowded places, ceremony, sweet drinks salt, sugar and others.
On the other hand good habits must be practiced after coronavirus which are (social distance, sport, healthy food and vitamins, drinking a lot of water, hobby practices, use mask and gloves in need and use it in write way, strength immunity, sanitation, washing hands and others. After coronavirus pandemic, we must pay attention to cleanliness of the environment, air, soil, water, waste disposal, and moving forward to discover medicine and vaccines.
The world must be fully prepared to face new waves of viruses and epidemics, or as a result of human errors, where other crises can occur and focusing on recovered patients to be benefit from their plasma and reduce curfew step by step so the school, universities, mosque, Sports matches, and public places activates open in final step according to health authority guidance as conformed by WHO. After coronavirus pandemic, it is necessary for all governments and humanitarian charitable organizations to change their plan to help those who affected and those who lost their jobs bankruptcy companies and banks to rebuild the global economy as before by the help of International Monetary Fund. Also, we have to take lessons from the experiences of other countries in order not to fall into same mistakes, such as increasing mortality and morbidity because of herd immunity as we have been seen in some countries all over the world. In a nutshell there are a lot to be learned for the life after coronavirus pandemic.