AI’s Fight Against Covid-19
Dr. Laith R. Falih
Computer Science Department
Cihan Univeristy-Erbil
We are all aware that artificial intelligence is developing and taking on many fields in today’s world.
Artificial intelligence is being used as a tool to support the fight against the global pandemic that has affected the world since the beginning of 2020
Artificial intelligence is being put to use today for speeding up the genome sequence, make faster diagnoses, carry out scanner analyses or handle maintenance and delivery robots. AI has also helped outside the medical field by fighting the spread of fake news, allegation and rumours that could cause a panic, including YouTube which has now relied upon AI to moderate videos during this pandemic.
AI has saved scientists months of experimentations and research; primary research groups worldwide have developed AI to aid in finding a cure for this virus.
Indeed, in the weeks following the disappearance of the virus in China, many research papers have been published to study the effect of the new virus and possible ways to find a treatment.
The first to be aware of the pandemic is BlueDot which has alerted hospitals, airports and businesses of the unusual increase of pneumonia that was occurring in China. It would be another nine days before the WHO started investigating, finally flagging the virus as COVID-19
BlueDot was not the only robot that was able to detect the virus, an automated service that is called HealthMap in Boston children’s hospital also a model that is run by Metabiota in San Francisco.
This informs us that although AI might not have the leading role in this pandemic, it can not only detect the next pandemic but also treat and perhaps even cure.
As a short-term response to the COVID-19 crisis, AI can play a crucial part in automating processes and limiting human involvement to a necessary minimum.